
How To Remove Cart From Shopify

Editing or deleting a Buy Button or embedded cart

Purchase Buttons and carts are generated from the code snippets that you copy from your Shopify admin and paste in your webpage's source HTML. These code snippets are referred to as embed lawmaking. If you desire to change the advent or behavior of a button or cart, then you need to edit the associated embed code.

Delete a Purchase Button, embedded collection, or embedded cart


  1. Open up the source HTML of the webpage that contains the Buy Button, embedded drove, or embedded cart.
  2. Delete the unabridged embed code from the source HTML, beginning with <script information-shopify-buy-ui> and ending with </script>. For a Buy Button, the embed code looks similar the following lawmaking:
                              <                script                data                -                shopify                -                purchase                -                ui                >                var                scriptURL                =                "                      "                ;                if                (                window                .                ShopifyBuy                &&                window                .                ShopifyBuy                .                UI                )                {                ShopifyBuyInit                ();                }                else                {                var                script                =                certificate                .                createElement                (                '                script                '                );                script                .                async                =                truthful                ;                script                .                src                =                scriptURL                ;                (                certificate                .                getElementsByTagName                (                '                head                '                )[                0                ]                ||                document                .                getElementsByTagName                (                '                body                '                )[                0                ]).                appendChild                (                script                );                script                .                onload                =                ShopifyBuyInit                ;                }                function                ShopifyBuyInit                ()                {                var                customer                =                ShopifyBuy                .                buildClient                ({                apiKey                :                '                your-api-key                '                ,                domain                :                '                      '                ,                appId                :                '                half dozen                '                });                ShopifyBuy                .                UI                .                onReady                (                client                ).                then                (                function                (                ui                )                {                ui                .                createComponent                (                '                product                '                ,                {                id                :                12345                ,                options                :                {                product                :                {                buttonDestination                :                '                cart                '                ,                contents                :                {                clarification                :                true                },                text                :                {                button                :                '                Add to Cart                '                },                styles                :                {                button                :                {                '                background-colour                '                :                '                blue                '                }                }                },                cart                :                {                styles                :                {                push button                :                {                '                background-colour                '                :                '                orange                '                }                }                }                }                });                });                }                <                /script>                          
  1. Save your changes.

The Buy Button, embedded drove, or embedded cart will no longer appear on your webpage.

Edit a Buy Push

To modify the appearance or settings of an existing Buy Button, yous need to edit the embed code that you've added to your source HTML.

Each Buy Button is built out of separate components in the embed code. For example, if you add a production with a cart to your webpage, then the embed code will generate a product component, a cart component, and a cart toggle component:

If you want your product component to open a modal window with production details, and so the embed code will generate a modal component and a modalProduct component:

In the post-obit code snippet, in that location are carve up components for the production and the cart:

                              ShopifyBuy                .                UI                .                onReady                (                client                ).                then                (                function                (                ui                )                {                ui                .                createComponent                (                '                product                '                ,                {                id                :                12345                ,                options                :                {                product                :                {                buttonDestination                :                '                cart                '                ,                contents                :                {                description                :                true                },                text                :                {                button                :                '                Add to Cart                '                },                styles                :                {                button                :                {                '                groundwork-color                '                :                '                bluish                '                }                }                },                cart                :                {                styles                :                {                button                :                {                '                groundwork-color                '                :                '                orange                '                }                }                }                }                });                });                          

These components are configured separately through configuration objects in the embed code. You lot can change the appearance or behavior of your Buy Buttons by editing the configuration objects in the embed code.

Each component has many attributes that you can edit. For a full list of editable options, view our developer documentation. If y'all want to configure an option that doesn't already appear in your embed code, then you demand to add the appropriate key to the appropriate object (see the case).

Edit the manner of a component

Each component has a nested styles configuration object, which you lot tin can edit or add to change the component's advent. These styles are formatted similarly to CSS. Each top-level key in the styles object represents an element in the component, such as the title or the push button. Within this object, each key is a CSS property (for example, 'background-colour', or 'edge'), and the value is a CSS value.

                              options                :                {                product                :                {                styles                :                {                push                :                {                '                background-colour                '                :                '                red                '                ,                '                border-radius                '                :                '                5px                '                }                }                }                }                          

Whatsoever valid CSS property can be added to styles. Annotation that property names with dashes need to be within quotation marks.

For more information well-nigh CSS customization, view the developer documentation.

In this example, y'all can change your current embed code to straight your customer to a product details modal instead of the cart:

  1. Open the HTML of the page containing the product embed that you want to change.
  2. Find the product configuration object.
  3. Detect the buttonDestination key in the object:
                              options                :                {                product                :                {                buttonDestination                :                '                cart                '                }                }                          
  1. Change the value of that fundamental to 'modal' (make sure that you include the quotation marks):
                              options                :                {                production                :                {                buttonDestination                :                '                modal                '                }                }                          
  1. Save your changes.

Case: change the layout of your product embed

In this example, yous tin change the layout of your product embed and so that the picture appears on the side instead of the top:

  1. Open the HTML of the page containing the product embed that you desire to alter.
  2. Find the production configuration object.
  3. Add a layout central, so set the value to 'horizontal':
                              options                :                {                product                :                {                buttonDestination                :                '                modal                '                ,                layout                :                '                horizontal                '                }                }                          
  1. Save your changes.

Edit your website's cart

If you want to alter the appearance or behavior of your website's cart, and then you need to edit the cart configuration object in your embed code.


  1. Open up the HTML of the page containing the cart that you lot want to edit.
  2. Find the cart configuration object in your embed code:
                              options                :                {                cart                :                {                startOpen                :                imitation                }                }                          
  1. Edit or add together the property that yous would like to alter. For a full listing of configurable properties, view the developer documentation.
  2. Save your changes.

Edit an embedded drove

Editing an embedded collection is similar to editing a production or a cart. To edit the backdrop of the products inside the collection (for case, the layout of each product), you demand to find the product configuration object and edit it in the same way that you would edit a product embed. To edit the properties of the collection itself (for example, the text of the Next folio button), edit the productSet key instead.

Some backdrop, such every bit the text of a component, are configured through nested objects, which are objects that appear inside other objects. For example, the text for the Next page push button appears inside the productSet component'due south text object:

                              options                :                {                productSet                :                {                text                :                {                nextPageButton                :                '                Continue                '                }                }                }                          


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